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Frequently Asked Questions
About MariBank
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Anti-Malware Security Features
Payment & Transfer
Fund Transfer
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Transaction History & Status
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Business Banking Promotions
Mari Savings Account
Account Application
Account Features
Interest Rates
Account Fees
Shopee Checkout & Top Up
Mari Invest
Account Application
Product Features
Instant Withdrawal
Buy Order
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Order Status
Order Cancellation
Fees and Charges
Mari Credit Card
Account Application
Card Upgrade
Product Features
Instant Loan
Interest Rates and Fees
Shopee Checkout
Mari Business Account
Account Application
Account Features
Interest Rates
Account Fees
Mari Business Loan
Loan Application
Product Features
Interest Rates and Fees

What is management fee and how does it work?

The management fee is a fee charged by the fund manager, Lion Global Investors (LGI), for the ongoing active management of the fund, of which a portion is paid to MariBank as a distributor.

From 1 Jul 2024, the annual management fee for the Lion-MariBank SavePlus fund charged by the fund manager, Lion Global Investors (LGI), is 0.25% p.a.

How is the management fee charged and reflected in the Unit Price?

The management fee is factored into each day’s reflected Unit Price, and no further deductions are made when fund units are bought or sold.

For example, If the Unit Price on a given day is S$1.0400, the proceeds from selling 1,000 units is exactly S$1,040 with no other charges.

Do my returns include management fee?

Returns shown in the mobile app are after the deduction of the management fee, so you do not have to worry about any further deduction of the management fee from your returns.

For example, if the past 4-week returns shown in-app is 4.00% p.a., no further deduction is required to this figure, as this already takes into account all fees.

Read up more about fees charged on your investments here.

Contact Us

Our 24/7 Customer Service Team is here for you if you have any questions!

+65 6995 8688

MariBank is licensed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.